a bit about me and my life

I love helping people. My offline businesses have always had training arms to them where I teach and train business startups and owners basic stonemasonry restoration techniques.

My online career started over 25 years ago as an SEO for my sites and on occasion others offline businesses.

I have a lot of experience in Internet Marketing and tons of Offline SEO and marketing because I still own two offline businesses in the construction niches.

5 Years ago I had a massive heart attack that pretty much put paid to my online activity.

I couldn't climb my staircase to get to my home office for three months, and I slowly lost a lot of my recurring income but when the Doc say's ‘No' you tend to take notice.

My business partners got together after six months to oust me from my offline businesses.

I had a meeting, and although I set both of the companies up, they wanted me out as I wasn't pulling my weight.

I had known these guys for more than 35 years and was devasted at the way I had been treated.

Luckily I set my business up based on the emyth method, and they needed me to keep it all going so I took a reduced salary and got on with it.

I decided to get back into SEO and have been enjoying the ride since my return.

I have a few small sites that provide a decent recurring income that requires a little tweaking, but I am looking for something a little more exciting.

I have decided to take The Quick Start Challenge for 2018 as a few of my friends did it in the past and recommended it to me but I wasn't well enough to take it on at that time, but now, I'm am ready to roll my sleeves up.

If you are drifting in the sea of Internet Marketing and don't know what to do next why not join me on this journey.

Sign up to my newsletter to get updates on my journey, successes, and failures. How I get up dust myself off and start again.

I am not looking for millions I simply want a nice recurring income and some fun from this business venture.

The thing is this can be scaled up, and if I want to, I guess I can outsource some tasks to take it to the next level, but one step at a time.

I plan to have a monthly live mastermind chat to discuss the journey, get tips and get some as well.

I don't know it all, and you can learn something from everyone.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again.

If you’d like to hear more from me just send a blank email to this address and I’ll add you to my regular mailings list:
